Monday, June 20, 2011

Year One Commentary

So this month marks the one year anniversary of my move out west. This blog was originally titled "Westward Bound" but I guess that phase is pretty much over so we have a new title which will be more indicative of life from this point on.

Posted some photos which sums up Year One. The first three photos show the long drive from the Midwest crossing the Plains states (notice the Kansas City reference???) and about to hit Colorado and then all hell broke loose.

Limon, Colorado will forever be burned into my mind as the place I thought I was going to die. My poor Annie and I were facing the end of everything as we survived the most insane hail storm. Cracked windshield, the entire right side of Annie being dinged up (these were not golf ball size but softball sized chunks of ice!) all over. Spent the night in some roadside motel as it was a local disaster and the roads were impassable. People, this was in the middle of summer!

From this point forward, Annie (who is also affectionately now nicknamed "Annie Dimples" or "Dimples") will go through a lot of drama which made my life needlessly more interesting. You will hear more in later postings.

Been living in various places in the Bay but Church Street and Noe Valley is still considered my "home" as it so reminds me of Lockerbie and Mass Ave and met some great people there. The British Terrier is Bean and we will have a whole entry about him at the Burning Mansion.

Back when I first started coming to the Bay Area, a family member who moved out here long ago introduced me to the whole array of things I could not even imagine back in the Midwest. One of the fondest memories I have is the Folsom Street Fair. I ended up having a rather nostalgic place in my heart for this event. A new friend named "Kitty" wants us to take it to the next step and be part of this scene and stop being just an observer. Look for future entries on this!

And finally, the most stressing thing about living out here: having a car and all it's headaches. Parking in particular will be the everyday challenge as it drains you of sanity, money and increases your paranoia! Ugh!!!

Stay tuned for more on this and other wacky things out here!

Year One in Photos