Friday, November 6, 2009

Turns and Twists

The move and tying up things are taking longer than expected, in particular liquidating some assets I have tied up to investments.

With these delays, I am leaning more towards after Thanksgiving to head out to California.

In the meantime, I have some very promising news. As of last night, a verbal agreement has been reached with a local PR/Marketing firm where I will be their West Coast account manager and help develop client base for them.

I will still be in job search mode when I get out to the Bay Area but this gives me something in the meantime.

I think people are wondering if I will actually do this but I am being very methodical about this and want to lay out all the options available. Hope it works.

Monday, October 26, 2009

The First Steps

So I always used to wonder about people who blogged? Now here I am about to start one of my own.

Well, here is my premise. In the worst economic crisis in two generations, I am about to leave my comfortable and familiar surrounds of the last 30 years and move to California with its 12% unemployment and a state that is pretty much broke.

Why am I doing this? This is one of the ways to remind me why I am taking such a risk. But in a way, is it a risk?